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Fun Chocolate Decor

2018-11-20 15:17:33
Youtube Link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9fsWT9L_Fk

You can decorate almost any dessert with chocolate. Decorating Cakes with Chocolate is quick, easy and all you need is chocolate chips, a sheet of parchment paper and something to pipe it with; either a ziploc bag, or if you have one, you can use a frosting baggy with a pointy tip (to be completely un-technical). The recipe for the cake photographed above is posted here. Now imagine how pretty this would look over an espresso creme br?lée; Eh, eh?!

Ingredients/ tools for Decorating Cakes with Chocolate:
1/2 to 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips (this also works great for white chocolate decorations)
1 sheet of parchment paper
1 frosting bag
Pointy tip or a zip lock bag

Decorating Cakes with Chocolate:
1. Place a sheet of parchment paper on your counter (the least expensive parchment paper is at Costco).
2. Melt 1/2 cup or chocolate chips in the microwave or stovetop (more if you are doing a larger project). Don’t overheat it and check by stirring because the chocolate chips hold their form even if they are hot. If you overheat it, they will crumble and get dry.
3. Transfer your melted chocolate to your piping bag. If it’s a zip lock bag, cut a tiny hole by snipping the very corner of the bag; you can always make the hole bigger but you can’t make it smaller.
4. Pipe your design onto your parchment paper. For more detailed designs, one of my readers suggested that you can print your design on computer paper, then place your parchment paper over the printer paper and trace over it. If you mess up a few times; don’t worry about it; it’s not like you’re piping it onto your cake.
5. Put a cutting board under your parchment paper and transfer it to your freezer for 5 minutes or until chocolate hardens.
6. Now carefully peel it off the paper and transfer it to your cake. It’s easiest to transfer it while it’s still very cold from the freezer (less chances of your 3D chocolate breaking during assembly).

Gosh it’s so easy. It’s too easy! You can also write out chocolate letters so you don’t destroy your cake if your “Happy Birthday” is uglier than you imagined it would be (been there) or if your flower ends up looking like a creature (done that).
If you try this and share a picture on Instagram or Facebook, do let me know. I’d love to see your creative designs!