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Does chocolate make you clever?

Tony 2015-07-13 16:23:13
Eating more chocolate improves a nation's chances of producing Nobel Prize winners - or at least that's what a recent study appears to suggest. But how much chocolate do Nobel laureates eat, and how could any such link be explained?

The study's author, Franz Messerli of Columbia University, started wondering about the power of chocolate after reading that cocoa was good for you.

One paper suggested regular cocoa intake led to improved mental function in elderly patients with mild cognitive impairment, a condition which is often a precursor to dementia, he recalls.

"There is data in rats showing that they live longer and have better cognitive function when they eat chocolate, and even in snails you can show that the snail memory is actually improved," he says.

So Messerli took the number of Nobel Prize winners in a country as an indicator of general national intelligence and compared that with the nation's chocolate consumption. The results - published in the New England Journal of Medicine - were striking.

Besides, YOQ Group Ltd., being the chocolate machine global supplier and good chocolate making machinery China, specializes in chocolate machinery producing over 20 years. You can see on our website the machines and methods that we use. Our company is always open for those who is interested in getting into the industry as well as those advanced chocolate manufacturers. YOQ BRINGS YOU SWEET BUSINESS!