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Army of motorcycles in Indonesia Return Home to Greet Eid al-Fitr 2

Owen Lee 2015-07-16 13:37:17

During Ramadan, Muslims go to the Mosque to pray and study the Quran. Apart from the daily recitation of the prayer, they will recite a special prayer in the night, the prayer 2 to 3 times longer than the General prayer times, called Taraweeh prayer/Night Prayer.

After the end of Ramadan, in the first day of Shawwal is Id-al-Fitr/the Feast of Fast Breaking. Eid is a day of Thanksgiving and celebration of the completion of Allaah commands fast. In the morning between sunrise and noon time, Muslims should zakaat al-Fitr ceremony.

At the beginning of the ceremony, Muslims of all ages automatically lined up in neat rows, bowed down toward the ancient temple, the Kaaba in Mecca. Worship has been completed, by the prayer as propaganda. Islam also provides affordable for all people, at any time before the Eid al-Fitr or Eid al-Fitr before the ceremony, should donate money to the poor people, said Sadaqat-ul-Fitr.

Indonesia is the world's most populous Muslim nation, about 230 million population in the country, 87% Islam. Live in such a country, you can feel the unique culture of Ramadan.

In Ramadan you will find that Indonesian society as if overnight switch to another form of rhythm of people's work and life suddenly slowed down quite a few, the entire community filled with solemn, solemn and peaceful atmosphere. Busy city streets were deserted on weekdays, and Cadence and tone became slow and gentle, greetings and best wishes of friends is all the more sincerity and warmth.

In recent years, with the development of modern society, daily fast getting to have a strong social and commercial. One evening, break people, friends and colleagues about my classmates, share insights and friendship last weekend. Iftar party also leads the market in huge quantities of rice, sugar, chicken sales of basic necessities such as the sharp rise in the form of Ramadan-specific inflation.