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Standing in the first place of love.

chocolate-machines.com chocolate-machines.com 2017-06-12 10:37:58

There is no Valentine's day in June, nor is it the wedding season, but June is a special day for some people. It is the day of the meeting, the time to be together, the joy of reunion, and the opportunity to show love...... The world's first chocolate Teuscher, in the love and the June launch of the "love sweet gift, to share your love with TA. There is nothing more romantic than chocolate in addition to flowers. Is it more romantic to give your favorite person chocolate or a chocolate shop?

Teuscher President Chinese unrequited love girlfriend for many years will soon return home, recently launched the most for the meaning of love "love sweet words" gift. Gift box contains 16 Teuscher most famous, and is the treasurer's girlfriend favorite champagne, truffle chocolate. According to Teuscher the Bund Yifeng source manager introduced champagne truffles entrance rich taste wonderful, combination of champagne and chocolate are wonderful collision and fusion, it is away in the mouth, like a sentimental love, The imprint is engraved on my heart. This kind of "love sweet words" gift symbolizes the treasurer of love waiting for love, waiting for love, dedication, the shopkeeper hope that through "love sweet words" gift we bring back the original place of love.