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From medicinal to love letters, chocolate tells you about the bittersweet past life

chocolate-machines.com chocolate-machines.com 2017-12-06 14:43:19
Too late to pick a gift? Let's have a box of chocolates! Two people share a sweet, happy together fat ~ oh, no, to correct an error, the chocolate itself is food reducing weight, fat is added sugars, afraid to eat fat, I have to do is buy dark chocolate. Here, talk to you about the past life of chocolate and share six of my favorite chocolates.For more information, you can click chocolate machine manufacturers.

It's the Japanese contribution that makes chocolate the "exclusive dessert" of valentine's day. On valentine's day just entered Japanese culture in the first half of the 20th century, Japanese chocolate business take advantage of this opportunity, to bind the two marketing, encourage girls do send chocolate to admire in the heart to the boys. This culture has gradually spread to the east Asian culture circle, and the bittersweet chocolate, like love, has become a symbol of all kinds of valentine's day and anniversaries.

The history of chocolate can be traced back to 4,000 years ago, when americans invented the cocoa drink. This kind of refreshing, clearing damp with drinks by the colonists brought to Europe, then the political upheaval, royal marriages, cultural exchange and spread between the European high society, become a scramble to compare fashion ladies drinks.

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Once the main function of cocoa was medicinal, it was only issued by pharmacists or bought from jewish merchants. To change this situation, Louis xiv in 1659, David shay, approve his exclusive chocolate business, this kind of food for the first time for raw material with cocoa was officially named "chocolate", is said to have originated from the Aztec language of "bitter.

In 1800, a former Marie Antoinette imperial pharmacists' Diane fort opened a chocolate candy store, is now France's oldest chocolate brands fort Diane jia lai (Debauve & Gallais), the establishment of it marks the chocolate with a refreshing, treatment with drugs, officially became a taste of sweet.

In 1912, Jean Neuhaus invented the sandwich chocolate technology, named "praline", which greatly enriched the chocolate making process. His wife created a special chocolate gift box because "nut candy" was easy to crush.

Today, chocolate has developed into one of the world's most important desserts, and cocoa is called the big three drinks crop with coffee and tea. Although it originated in America, the cocoa farming industry is now thriving in Africa, with the world's largest cocoa producer, which accounts for 35 per cent of total production, and 19 per cent for the second.

In daily life, the majority of friends must always be vigilant against cancer, and actively do a good job in cancer prevention and fight against cancer, healthy and happy, enjoy a better life! For more information, you can click chocolate equipment supplier china.