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Can't refuse chocolate, just like can't refuse love

chocolate-machines.com chocolate-machines.com 2017-12-18 15:29:21
I have a very good friend who is very good at hurting single dogs. I like to talk about "take off" on WeChat. Every time I just hang out with this topic. But just yesterday, I got a gift from my good friend. The content of the gifts was a box of chocolate, above have girlfriends handwritten statement - send you a dark chocolate, even in a single, you can also taste the white valentine's day love of taste.For more information, you can click chocolate equipment supplier china.

good friend is by no means the first person to associate chocolate with love. In the culture of the indigenous aztecs of the cocoa kingdom, it is a wonderful thing to be used to "win a woman's heart". After a few thousand years, we also believe that chocolate is associated with love. Japanese scientists have long confirmed that chocolate actually contains the "happiness hormone" and endorphins produced by humans when they are in love, and that eating chocolate can be pleasurable. But aside from the science, I think the taste of chocolate is sweet and sour, and it is subtly different.

When it comes to chocolate, many people think of it as bitter, fat, sweet, or even childish. But it's all about the chocolate. I think that in all the chocolate categories, it's dark chocolate that actually equals love. Unlike ordinary chocolate, dark chocolate is neither sweet nor greasy nor fat. It has a unique and lasting fragrance to explain to the world what is pure and bitter love.

We are small chocolate making machine manufacturer, If you need any machine, please contact us.

What is good dark chocolate? In private, good chocolate should meet the following 5 points:

1. | clearly identifies the cocoa content and the origin of cocoa beans;

2 | cacao flavor is rich, will taste cocoa bitterness, sour, fragrant and so on multiple taste;

3 | if it is a cake chocolate, when the break opens, there will be a clear and crisp cut off sound, smooth section, less broken slag;

4 | real black chocolate melting point is on the high side, it will not melt in the mouth, melt slower than milk chocolate and white chocolate;

5 |, after swallowing, the mouth has a thick aroma of cocoa, and no smell.

It's not hard to find the dark chocolate with these 5 points. For me, the magic of dark chocolate lies in the sweetness of being wrapped in acid -- a bit of bitterness in the tip of the tongue that blooms into the mellow taste of the heart and lungs. This delicate sweetness is entwined between your lips and teeth, and slowly and with your breath, you can't stop until you can't stop. Just like love, once you try, you will not be able to stop.

YOQ CHOCOLATE MACHINERY the most poupular custom chocolate factory machines china.