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Red wine and dark chocolate cancer killer

توني 2015-07-22 10:48:15

Red wine and dark chocolate cancer killer
Long Beach, CA (AFP) - Cabernet and chocolate are potent drugs to kill cancer cells, according to research presented here Wednesday.

Red grapes and dark chocolate join blueberries, garlic, soy and tea as starve cancer cells, while feeding the body composition, Angiogenesis Foundation, William Lee in the famousTEDThe General Assembly said.

"Our rating based on its anti-cancer qualities of food," Lee said. "What we eat is really our chemotherapy three times a day."

On the basis of Massachusetts is confirmed to have contained chemical substances, apparently choked with blood supply to tumors starve their food.

Li cited Harvard Medical School study shows that who eat cooked tomatoes a few times a week the men were30٪ل50% Less likely to have prostate cancer.

"There is a medical revolution in our midst," Lee said.
"If we are right, it could impact on consumer education, food services, public health, and even insurance agencies."

About a dozen drugs have been deprived of the use of the blood supply of the tumor treatment strategy known as the "anti-angiogenesis.

The Foundation confront some food approved drugs and found that soy, parsley, red grapes, berries and other foods are either effective or more effective in the fight against cancer cells.

Eat, food is even more effective anti-cancer.

"We found a lot of nature laced foods and herbs with anti-angiogenesis function," Li said.

"For many people around the world, dietary cancer treatment may be the only solution, because not everyone can afford cancer drugs."

The foundation also found that food antiangiogenic properties melted fat, which relies heavily on blood flow to sustain itself.

Tests showed that transgenic mice can easily be chubby trimmed this way, the average size of a mouse.

"It gives weight down to the set point in normal mice," Li said.
"In other words, we can not create supermodel mice."

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نحن موردي آلات الشوكولاتة العالميةآلاتنا هي الآن العالم ، بما في ذلك روسيا وجنوب إفريقيا وأستراليا وكندا وألمانيا واليونان وكوريا الجنوبية والجزائر وتايلاند والبرازيل والعديد من الأماكن الأخرى.