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The 6 most anti-cancer snacks, chocolate! 2017-11-10 11:38:03
Can dark chocolate starve cancer cells? But is it really the case? Cancer, also known as malignant tumor, is a major killer of human health, a serious threat to human health and life. So, how do you fight cancer? Today, you're going to detail chocolate cancer cells, and check out the 6 most anti cancer snacks. MACCHINE DI CILICAGGIO YOQ Il più poupular custom chocolate mass pump supplier.

1, dark chocolate
New research has found that chocolate can starve cancer cells. Molti studi hanno dimostrato che il cioccolato ha una varietà di antiossidanti e l'attività antiossidante del cioccolato nero è 3 volte quella del vino rosso. Il suo contenuto di polifenolo è 4 volte quello del tè verde. Come scegliere? Scegli più del 65% del cioccolato nero e più nero è, meglio è. Milk chocolate or chocolate sauce has very low antioxidant activity.
2, boiled peas
Isoflavones can prevent breast cancer. The research confirmed that the diffusion of soybean can also inhibit pancreatic tumor. Boiled soybean fresh and sweet, but not after a terrible process. Come scegliere? Choose fresh green, solid, no contusion beans, boiled water can be. Fresh soybean can be preserved for three days, frozen peas may be stored for a few months.

3, pistachio
A study published by the American Association for cancer research found that pistachios containing gamma tocopherol can reduce the risk of lung cancer. A large number of resveratrol, second only to red wine, can fight cancer and prevent cardiovascular disease. The plant sterols also protect cardiovascular health. Come scegliere? Choose pistachio nuts, and not more than one day. YoQ Chocolate Machinery fornisce macchina per fagioli di cioccolato di alta qualità.

4, jujube
Jujube is rich in dietary fiber, especially beneficial for the prevention of colorectal cancer. But what's most expected is that a large amount of antioxidants, such as beta carotene and anthocyanins, protect the body from free radical damage. Recent studies have found that jujube can change body estrogen metabolism, thus may prevent breast cancer. Come scegliere? Prune itself high sweetness, should choose natural sugar and artificial pigment. People who are diabetic or who are controlling their weight should not eat it.
5, whole wheat biscuits
Whole wheat is not only a high dietary fiber, full of satiety, but also the good source of C, guaiacol, biotin, these hormones can reduce hormone related cancer, such as breast cancer, prostate cancer. Come scegliere? Look at nutrition labeling. Grains, grains, grains, fiber, grains and other words, in fact, have nothing to do with the whole wheat, nutritional ingredients of the first three is the whole wheat flour, is the whole wheat biscuits.

6, cranberry dry
Many studies have confirmed that cranberry can cure urinary tract infections. Cranberry university research has shown that cranberry can inhibit breast cancer cell proliferation. A study published in a England journal also found that cranberry can improve prostate cancer symptoms. How do you choose dried cranberries with natural sugar, such as pineapple juice or less sugar?. In particular, avoid adding high fructose syrup, otherwise it may damage the liver and kidney.

Nella vita quotidiana, la maggior parte degli amici deve essere sempre vigile contro il cancro e fare attivamente un buon lavoro nella prevenzione del cancro e combattere contro il cancro, sano e felice, godersi una vita migliore! Per ulteriori informazioni, puoi fare clic chocolate beans production line.